The Group
The Lüddecke lab is a team of young scientists that are driven by their fascination for toxic animals. We share the believe, that extended knowledge in our field will lead to positive societal impact.
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Current Group Members
Dr. Tim Lüddecke (Fraunhofer IME, Group Leader)
Dr. Anne Paas (Fraunhofer IME, Group Leader Substitute)
Dr. Maik Damm (Justus-Liebig-University, Postdoc)
Dr. Jonas Krämer (Justus-Liebig-University, Postdoc)
Dr. Sabine Hurka (Fraunhofer IME, Postdoc)
Dr. Ignazio Avella (Justus-Liebig-University, Postdoc)
M.Sc. Ludwig Dersch (Fraunhofer IME, PhD Student)
M.Sc. Lennart Schulte (Justus-Liebig-University, PhD Student)
M.Sc. Josephine Dresler (Fraunhofer IME, PhD Student)
M.Sc. Hanna Dambeck (Fraunhofer IME, Technical Assistant)
Tanja Berghöfer (Fraunhofer IME, Technical Assistant)
B.Sc. Lilien Uhrig (Masters Student)
B.Sc. Antonia Stahlhut (Masters Student)
Ole Bohlen (Bachelor Student)
Janis Rappenecker (Bachelor Student)
We want you!
You are equally fascinated by venomous and poisonous animals? You want to study their toxin cocktails, understand their function and eventually turn their weapons into valuable goods for humanity? Then consider to join my lab! As a research group within LOEWE TBG, we always seek to recruit motivated and bright minds to our team. You can either apply for one of the vacant positions below or get in touch with me if you want to start an independent toxinology project within my lab. I am always open to potential projects and finding ways to get them funded.
Postdoc Positions:
PhD Positions:
None (but grants are under review, so keep an eye on this spot!)
M.Sc. Projects:
Several masters projects in the area of venom biotechnology available.
B.Sc. Projects:
Some bachelors projects on antimicrobial venom peptides and insecticides are available.
01/2023 - 03/2023 Cleo A. Rozsa (Fraunhofer IME, Hessentechnikum Intern)
10/2022 - 12/2022 Laura Horn (Fraunhofer IME, Hessentechnikum Intern)